QUDWA: Raise awareness about the dangers of digital technology, bullying, and cyberbullying through puppets.
Cyber Bullying awareness through puppets supported by UNICEF
QUDWA is an initiative that aims to raise awareness among children and their parents about the dangers of digital technology, bullying, and cyberbullying through puppets.
A hands-on workshop on puppet making, exploration and performance enabling them to respond appropriately to incidents of cyberbullying.
During the past 6 weeks, children from Borj Hammoud received workshops on how to create and play puppets to convey messages on bullying and cyberbullying. These puppet-making workshops are part of the QUDWA initiative that aims to raise awareness among children and their parents about the dangers of digital technology and cyberbullying on online platforms.
Through the puppets, the children created characters and learned how to play, express themselves, and cascade awareness messages on bullying and cyberbullying to their friends and other children.
This initiative is implemented by Red Oak, in partnership with Terre des hommes Italy in Lebanon and with the support of UNICEF.